Posts tagged fishing
The Fall Run

Striped Bass, Bluefish, False Albacore, and Bonito migrate throughout the fall displaying an aggressive “all you can eat” baitfish buffet feeding style. Shoving, barging, heave and repeat as the main course flees for their lives. Fat and satiated to a point of gagging each predator is preparing for a very long and dangerous journey South.

Unlike last weeks’s eighty one degree anomaly, once the temperatures really drop mystical sea smoke appears. At first light the smoke is parted by a nearby school of False Albacore zipping across the surface leaving surreal curly tailed jet streams in their wake. The day warms and the fish keep feeding. If the fish are not on top just look for a bait ball- and you are likely to find fish nearby.

The bait ball shrinks. It always shrinks. Flocks of birds seated on the adjacent shoreline had their fill and indicate food is not far. Looking into the depths also confirms whether a feed has recently occurred as millions of remnant scales fall and sparkle as clearly as the Milky Way during winter’s midnight sky.

The arrival of the seasonal Seal population and Gannets diving like kamikaze jet fighters offshore  is entertainment while searching for the next blitz. Seals make catching Striped Bass look simple as they play with their food. Tossing, catching, surely grinning at the funny guy waving a fly rod on the bow of the boat, as if to say with his mouthful “just grab it like this!” And yes, Seals steal fish right off your line, somehow leaving you to land the optimistic look of the still stunned Striper as they want to believe they still have a tail.

Warm thoughts arrive as whiffs of smokey wood stoves linger off the beach calling the ever weary guide home. Hot cider, fresh baked bread, smoked fish, and plenty of dark evenings lie ahead- perfect opportunities to recall the season’s highlights and gear up for some southern adventures.

Florida Road Trip with Rifles to Rods

Florida bound always sounds good- without question once the ice has made its home in your veins come late winter in New England.  Join us as Team NorthCoast and the expert Anglers from Rifles to Rods head South on 95, with two NorthCoast Boats in tow.

180 Center Console crew consists of Peter Weatherby and Brandon Dame- both exceptionally well versed in a wide variety coastal species. Specializing in sleep deprication and flexible planning the all nighter, thirty one hour drive, would be rewarded well. 

190 Center Console crew has Rifles to Rods ( founders Gerard McAllister and US Army Sergeant Ryan Puzzo at the wheel. Both committed to the mission: Preserving the well being of veterans through fishing. Rifles to Rods is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization devoted to the transition, recovery and well being of our Veterans. The president of Rifles to Rods, a veteran himself, was inspired to start this charity after fishing enabled him to better cope with stress that comes with returning home from war.

Dawn was welcomed by the Miami heat and seemingly near proximity of Keys type species. Although it would take another four hours of driving, Key West would arrive just in time. Restless anglers all, the boats were launched handily where they would be docked for the next four days. Hammocks were hung and gear was tossed aboard quickly in order to get on the water. Sleep could wait. Navigating the shallows of Key West is an amazing feat when your awake, however best experienced in a dream state as the colors are vivid and the thoughts of Bonefish and Tarpon are as good as real.

The 180 Center Console draws a wapping six inches and to quote a memorable phrase by fishing Legend Lefty Kreh, that boat could "go where water was." Undoubtedly he was talking about one of his closest buddies, Flip Pallot's Hells Bay flats skiffs, but you get the point. The only issue is the 180 poling platform was not installed prior to leaving Bristol, Rhode Island. In fact, we were unaware it even had one until the Owner of NorthCoast (C&C Fiberglass) Jose DaPonte pointed out how much better it would have been than the Home Depot Ladder the team bought. Even still, the photos of the ladder harken back to the authenticity of the old Florida Keys Tarpon videos. You know the one, with Jimmy Buffet and Tom McGuane. Anyway, necessity is the mother of invention and after all NorthCoast Boats greatest strength is practicality.

With fish skirting the edges of the channels the Rifles to Rods crew aboard their 190 Center Console would be fishing these unknown waters hard until sunset. A wide variety of fish were caught and their guest veteran's heart rate slowed to allow his smile and good humor to return. The three were dashing out to deeper water, cutting the Hawk's Bay chop like butter. Reef fishing is always productive and tons of fun.






Species by Season in and around Newport, RI.

Welcome to Newport, Rhode Island’s hundreds of miles of navigable, fishable, spectacularly beautiful, coastline. An Angler’s paradise.
The water off Newport’s visibility for sight casting is excellent. Clean and fresh- with new baitfish and their crazed predators arriving on each tide. A large variety of salt water species enhance our world class angling experiences- all season long.

Today, Striped Bass is our main target in the white water, boulder fields, flats, and estuaries. Each month the bait changes the hunt and the Striper’s behavior. Up the bay very large Bass frequent the depths in search of large bait.

Menhaden have arrived and there are some very cool situations where a shallow area is adjacent to a nearby drop off. Casting cross tide and depth contour produces some shocking strikes! Stripers have already filled in on the Sakonnet River’s Boulder fields. Once the hook is set the battle truly begins as you try and turn them away from the rocky structure.

Note: Early season inshore begins in mid-April as Stripers feed on a variety of baits, from Menhaden, Herring, Mackerel, Squid, Cinder Worm and even Crab hatches.

Bluefish are long considered North Atlantic Piranha as they eat aggressively and rarely give up without an epic battle. Pound for pound one of the most ferocious feeders in New England. No lipping unless the Boga Grip is involved. Slicks are beginning to appear and all the credit should not go to the Bass. You can bet the Blues are filling in. Nine weight fly line with wire and a top water popper- what a fight!

Bonito on the grill with Garlic and Dill, for those who wish to enjoy a tasty treat. But don’t count your chickens before they’ve laid an egg. You have to find them, entice them, and then get them to the boat. These very fast speedsters are a blast to match your wits with as they are typically very sensitive to your ability to match the bait du jour. Best caught along the beaches or rocky outcropping with an exceptional occasional bait ball feast. Note: They tend to arrive when the QE2 shows up. (Cruise ships in June)

False Albacore, or “Albies”, are spectacular in many ways including size, (poundage in the high single digits to teens), speed (rpms like a dentist drill but less painful), and beautiful colors. A mirror finish with markings of three dots, zigs and zags, cobalt blue and emerald green all highlighted by an oil slick like Palladium silver mirror sheen. This species foreshadows the most epic fight of all.

Those are some of the most sought after species while there are plenty of others offshore and around New England which people are exciting to chase. Would love to hear our NorthCoast family favorites!

NorthCoast supports Rifles to

While on a fishing expedition in North Carolina the NorthCoast 24CC provided the perfect platform to inaugurate our work with Rifles to Rods.

Question: When do you get the opportunity to share the day with a few good men? Answer: When you let Ryan Puzzo of Rifles to know where you plan to be fishing and when. Ryan is co-founder of Rifles to Rods and a Veteran who served eight years in the military and he continues to serve others. He knows personally what it means to spend the day on the water.

Your heart rate slows considerably. Down to a beat, or so, every once and awhile as you watch an epic display of sea life go about their business. Between the herd of wild horses running the beaches, Spanish Mackeral surface feeds, Tarpon visual fest, and Sea Turtles and Sea Bass we had momentary visits by the tax collector, the man in the brown suit, otherwise known to most as- Shark.

Ryan was able to wrangle up Army Master Sergeant Darryl Mullins and his son Rashidi, who both currently serve our nation. Ryan even flew in for the day to join us. We all enjoyed the day. There is a peace and calm on the water found in the moments somewhere between the permanent smiles and laughter.

If you want to share a day with some great human beings or make a donation, contact Rifles to Rods, pitch in, and support this excellent organization’s efforts. These guys are awesome!

On behalf of all of us at NorthCoast Boats, Thank you for your service!

And Ryan, given the next opportunity- We are ready when you are!

180 Center Console | Our Skiff gets it done!
18Skiff Grunden.jpg

The NorthCoast 180 Center Console was designed for the serious coastal angler, to be efficient, fast, smooth riding, and virtually maintenance free.  The solid fiberglass hull, foam cored deck, and foam filled fiberglass grid system combine to create a lightweight incredibly tough and durable composite structure.  The transom is a fiberglass and high-density foam core composite – no wood here !!

The hull’s deep forefoot cleaves any chop while the shallow-V aft promotes easy planning and provides a stable platform while trolling, drifting or at rest. Light gray non-skid floor and an impressive list of standard features with options that appeal to both the serious fisherman as well as the family day boater, we can build your boat the way you want.

The NorthCoast 180 Center Console…ready to go anywhere you want.

Striped Bass Salad

Courtesy of Jose DaPonte, Owner NorthCoast Boats | C&C Fiberglass Components

We go catch the Striped Bass, however you like to. (Filet accordingly)

Put in the pan with water- Boil for @15 minutes

Take it out and put it in cold water for a little bit, so it keeps the fish together, so it doesn’t fall apart

Then you break it into little chunks

You boil some Potatoes

Cut the Potatoes in squares or round, whatever you like

Then you put a little bit of: Crushed Pepper

  1.      Onions
  2.      Parsley
  3.      Little bit of salt- however you like it
  4.      Just a tiny bit of vinegar and vegetable oil
  5.      Then you put it in the refrigerator, if you like it cold, or if you like it warm and that’s it.
"The longer you let it sit the better it is!” – Jose DaPonte
On The Water Media: S15 Episode 4 Block Island Trophy Hunt

Check out On The Water Media’s hunt for trophy Striped Bass onboard NorthCoast Pro/Ambassador Capt. Brian Patterson’s NorthCoast 23CC with On The Water TV Host Chris Megan.

For giant striped bass, it’s tough to beat the waters off Block Island. Chris Megan joins Captain Brian Patterson to look for his biggest striper ever on a warm summer night at the Block.

Saltwater Sportsman’s First Look: The 24CC | Now: 260 Center Console

We are proud to share this great excerpt from Saltwater Sportsman with a look into the popular 24CC.

Check out this month’s issue of Saltwater Sportsman for a First Look at the 24CC.

NorthCoast 24CC Reviews

NorthCoast 24CC reviews are pouring onto the desks of magazine subscribers everywhere. Check out the very cool “Float Plan / First Look” piece in Saltwater Sportsman Magazine, August/September 2017 Edition. Thank you Saltwater Sportsman we really appreciate the press!


FLOAT PLAN / FIRST LOOK (click here)

New Video | Our research is fun!

Check out our video and see why field research is part of great boat building and get a peak “Behind the Scenes” at NorthCoast.

From the owner Jose DaPonte to the guys on the line, we fish and understand what happens on the water. Please enjoy the clip!