a private head and sink to wash up. Comfortable accommodations for two.



Sporting classic lines with a private head the New 255HT sleeps two (75” Length) and has 6’2”at the helm. With a wide-open layout in the pilothouse and cockpit, there is excellent visibility and substantial amount of room for fishing or cruising. NorthCoast 255HT has twenty-two-degree dead-rise able to run soft and dry across wave tops with a wide-open throttle of 56 miles per hour (with optional Twin 250’s).  We listened to those asking for the next new model to be larger than the 235HT with a private head, sink to wash up, and comfortable accommodations for two. For serious anglers you’ll arrive at the fishing grounds faster and enjoy a longer and wider cockpit to fight big fish- which you can bring aboard via through the walk thru transom door.

All business hull runs across the wave tops with a wide-open throttle of 56 miles per hour! Sporting a 22 Degree dead-rise and 9’5” Beam, the new 255 handles inshore or offshore conditions like a champ, running dry and comfortable- as you would expect from a NorthCoast pilot house sport fishing boat. 159 usable gallons of fuel at 3000rpms | cruising at 25MPH | *12.9GPH and a conservative range of 268NM nautical miles or 302 statute miles. Even tops 30MPH- if you need to get home on one engine.

With two 139 quart macerated in-deck Fish boxes, self-draining deck, 26 gallon transom Blue lighted Live Well, 2 tackle storage bins, and drawers, 113 quart insulated cooler under the portside seat, cubbies for wallets and 12volt USB adapters, and a helm with room for two 12” touch screens. Opening windshields, and side windows let fresh air abound with windshield wipers port and starboard. This platform is rugged, versatile, and focuses on fishing performance- exceptional!

*Range and fuel economy is estimated and will vary based upon load and sea state


·      Highly functional for fishing and/or cruising

·      Cabin includes private head to starboard

·      Available with Twin 200XSA | Twin 250XCB

Part One: NorthCoast 255HT Development Video. NorthCoast brings you behind the scenes as they design and build the deck plug, (which is transformed into the molds), for the new NorthCoast 255HT. A combination of CAD Design and old school craftsmanship. See what it takes to prepare a boat for production and to withstand the extreme conditions of the North Atlantic. Watch for Part Two: 255HT Construction Video